Thursday, 6 October 2011

30 Day Challange, Day 1

Day 1: introduce, resent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts...
wow okay.
Well my name is Maddie, i am a high school student unfortunatly, from Australia, WA.
I have a mum and dad and 2 brothers. Bothers "_C, younger older other, and F, the youngest of us three. I am the eldest child in the family :)

I also have another brother, MILKY, who is our cream burmese cat, who has amazing blue eyes instead of green or brow, like most burmese :) He is the most adorable cat in the world, he is 5.

i have a huge group of friends at my school, here are some of them...
Tahlia, CORN                  Georgia, GG, she is also my cuz, haha,      my crush, J
 Natalie, Nat         Nat's crush, C           Caitlin, Catieee, i have known her since kindy :)
Tabby,     Brit or Ranga, tehee     Shenade,         Emily, Em,           Bree, Em's best friend,                 Jordy, Em's boyfriend :)        Dean, CORN's boyfriend <3         raechelle         Shane!!! my ez, but he is so amazing and cute, he is aboriginal too :)     Jim,   Merrick,     Hannah,       gracie,                                         
and there is heaps more!!!!!!!!!
this will hopefully make sure you know who im talking about in my blogs :)
anyway, so a recent photo,oh gosh

And if that didnt work then oh too bad, wat a shame :P

15 interesting facts about me!!!!!
0, there not interesting...
1. My full first name comes from the greek name, Mabeiline.
2. My cuz and i are Best Friends
3. I have a friend named CORN, hahahaa you know who u are <3
4. My crush, J, likes my other Best friend, Nat, i know right, and she is sooo pretty and everything :/
5. I ike to think my dog, Moet, is right beside me every day, even though he Passed,
6. My dogs name is french, and my cats name is like his type of cat, so MILKY= Cream Burmese, get it
7. My room has no wall free to put things on it, they are covered in fashion clothing pages and others, and my posters of idols and celebs are on the roof of my room, as i have no room XD
8.I still sleep with my 5 fave teddys
9. my Ipod is my life!!!!!!!!!, if mum takes it away because i am naughty, i actually dont sleep!
10. Music is MY LIFE!!!!!!!!
11. I think there is magic in the world, and there is a thing called Go, but not God him self, the Universe
12. I LOVE THE COLOUR BLUE!!!! seriously i know my blog is yukky pink, but i love love love blue :)
13. i am addicted to ice cream, chocolate is yummy, but ice cream has that healing power :)
14. Me and my cuz, GG, have had 2 youtube channels together, but they are both deleted :( :( :(
15. WOOOW!!!!!: i can sing...

so there you have it :)
hope you likes it people
make sure you comment, follow me, and keep smiling


P.s today i am going with family to see Gemmel, one of my followers and amazing friend!!!!!! she is my mums friend, but she is sooo cool and amazing :)
tehee, and i think we are going to the BEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omgoggmogmogmomgomg i really hope so :)

1 comment:

  1. Had a beautiful visit Maddie, but, I think that in the summer holidays I will take a few days off and we will have a couple of days of fun in the sun, just us two..............oh and the cats ;)

    What do you think?
